dinsdag 10 april 2012

I'm back, for good.

Dear readers,

I've been gone for a very long time now. It was because I seriously had too much to do. School, work, it was too busy to keep my blog up - to - date.
But guess what, I'm back! I really missed blogging and I'm going to start again!
I'll keep you updated daily about fashion, my outfits, school assignments (styling school in Amsterdam!) and my inspiration and trips :)

So what have I been doing in such a long time?

- Been to Paris (again) with the BF
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-Been to the launch of Vogue NL
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-Busy with school. I'll keep you posted of that, because I think it's nice to see what I do at school.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. great photos

    Check out my GIVEAWAY - http://yajairasfashionnotes.blogspot.com/2012/04/200-followers-giveaway.html

